Sunday, May 08, 2005

I know what you're thinking., actually I don't.

'Twas a good weekend. And the week is off to a good start too, seeing as how I was able to use 'twas in a sentence right off the bat. I'm really a sucker for contractions. Ask anybody.

I finally overcame my fear of baking. Baking has been the bane of of my culinary experience. I love to cook but for some reason the whole flour/egg/mixer/yeast/rise thing was too frightening to me. But this weekend, while my wife slept peacefully in the master bedroom (so named to highlight the point that I am master of my domain), I confronted my fears head on with a large metal mixing bowl and a manly man apron.

Since this story could get (more) boring rather quickly, I will let it suffice to say that I didn't have to throw anything I made away. I made a decent batch of banana nut muffins, some pretty good iced sugar cookies, and some really killer pizza dough which was quickly employed in the construction of a really killer pizza. I am a kitchen god. Small g god because if the banana nut muffins showed me anything it was that just because something is edible, it doesn't mean there's not room for improvement.

Speaking of fears. OK, I conquered baking. But I am still deathly afraid of things in my ears. Q-tips, cleaning tools, harsh words, it doesn't matter. I have what I know is a completely irrational fear of bursting my eardrums. Naturally, both of my wives have seen it as part of their mission to do for me what I won't do for myself. Yep, I married me some ear cleaners. Nong has a little flashlight/digging tool that she likes to use and it just horrifies me. I whine like a little 3 year old and fret and whimper, too, just for good measure. Mostly it just accomplishes making me seem like a crybaby since she doesn't even slow down. Nope, she just digs in. I am serious, stuff in my ear terrifies me. Otherwise, I'm a calm, cool and collected kind of dude.

While I was looking up "bane" in the dictionary to make sure I was using it correctly, and by the way, I kinda am, I ran across the word bangkok. Besides being the name of, well, Bangkok, it is also a noun meaning a fine straw. And in the Philippines, a bangkok is a hat woven of fine palm fiber. So, when booking a vacation, look for the capital B or you just may wind up staying in a hat. Gosh, that last part was pretty stupid. Somebody shoot me.

I also learned that a bangtail is a racehorse and that banjax, while of an unknown origin, is chiefly used by the Irish and means damage, ruin or smash.

'Spose that catches you up. I am going to try to do a clever re-make of the Beverly Hillbillies theme song soon. I hope. Clever. That is, I hope it will be clever. Nevermind.

Liederkranz, out
Travelin' Ed


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