Saturday, December 11, 2004

Pssssttt...I've got your opinion for you

When I was a teen, before the earth's crust cooled, we were alecks. Smart alecks to be precise. It was a wonderful time to be alive because of the certianty. The certianty that we were cool and surrounded by fools. I remember it well.

While I have not become less cool (despite what happened years ago at the San Diego Sports Arena when a young girl said "you're not cool, you're a ho-dad") the cast of characters that surrounds me seems to have de-stupified a touch. And that is where we stand now.

Oh yeah, my point. We were smart alecks and one of our favorite retorts was "If I want your opinion I'll give it to you'". I mean, how clever is that??

As I slogs through the blogs that little classic comes back to mind over and over. There are plenty of 13 yo girl blogs with their pink backgrounds and bubbles; and more than a few deep thinkers posting and posturing on politics and other social ills; and even a fair number that admit to being a site for a blogger with nothing to say (so they post pics of their cat sunning himself--whoo-hoo.).

Here is where I was going to go off on all the movie reviewing sites, who decided these yo-yo's were qualified to critique, why don't they keep their opinions to themselves, blah, blah, blah. Then I was going to tie it all together around the "If I want your opinion I'll give it to you" theme.

I wrote it, read it, posted it, tweaked it, re-read it, re-posted it, re-tweaked it and now I have deleted it and you're getting this instead. I'm only 5 days or so into this and I already have a newfound sympathy for someone putting out a daily column on a deadline.

Speaking of wasted effort....when was the last time Doonsebury was funny...or witty...or clever...or anything other than whiny? Seems it's been a while. The good Mr. Trudeau has become a bit of a bore. That's my opinion and it's just like my bunghole.....


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