Thursday, April 14, 2005

This is now a political blog. Hoo yah

I have decided to move this blog in a different direction. From this point on, I am going to wax poetic on my thoughts and conclusions of politics, policies and all things Capitol Hill. I hope that soon, through my powers of reason and persuasion, to bring you in to my fold, so to speak. That you will see it my way and come over to my way of thinking.

Politics: I'm against them.
Politicians: I'm against them.
Policies, strategies and (most) laws: I'm against them.
States rights: Mostly for them, except when they start getting stupid.

Thank you and please, join me.

Politics-- Opiate of the masses. Travelin' Ed---The anti-drug *

* OK, so I took some liberties...sue me.

Travelin' Ed


Blogger Hill Billy Rave said...

I'm with ya buddy.

Take a look at my reply below.

8:02 PM  

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