Guess that's the way it is
I don't do too much in the way of revision. Just get it down and move on to the next thing. Proofreading. Now there's another waste of time. Spend all that extra time on something you already wrote and there's not enough time for going back in and fixing all the mistakes you find. And you never find them until after you hit the publish button. Never before. KnowwhatImean? Huh?
Played a lot of Tarot today though. It is actually a real card game. It's a French game. You have the 4 suits plus a dedicated trump suit (the character cards you're more familiar seeing the fortune teller using down in the French Quarter) and bid and take tricks. You go for 8 hands, highest score at the end of 8 hands wins. Makes sense, right?
Last thing. How come none of you got blogs? Alright, mountian troll, I know you do. I'm talking to the others, so please sit quietly and raise your hand if you have something you'd like to say. So? Why not? They're free. They're easy. All your friends are doing it. It'll make you cool. Really. It's no more than a journal. Think about it. I'll link to you and you can link to me. We'll be link buddies. Just hit the blogger logo top left of this here blog and select the "Yes, I want to be cool like all of my friends. Help me start my own blog" button.
Again, brain on vacation. Coffee sounds good.
Even RaWo-Matic is not working,
Travelin' Ed
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