Saturday, October 01, 2005

Sometimes, somethings, sumbeach

Had just a little time yesterday to ponder things. Traffic was a little heavy coming out of Tampa and I'm kinda glad. There's work to do at work and work to do at home and even work to do on the computer... continuing education?? Continuing means it's never gonna end!! What's up with that? So I pondered some, inched forward, pondered some more, cranked up the ZZ Top and rolled back the sun roof.

Now, where did all this pondering get me? Several places, actually. It made me realize I am not happy. Sad? No. Depressed? No. Angry? No. Just not happy. However, do not despair for me, Guatemala. I am definately on the verge of happy. Toes up on the line of it and ready to step across. See, I have been worried mightily as of late and that's been the problem. Just one problem, but it do fester.

It made me also realize that I could set my office on fire. Not literally, of course, but figuratively. I can do this job and do it well. I'm a little weak on the products right now, but that's to be expected. But I think I am a serious enough man, in a playful sort of way. I get along with people. The people in the office like me, or so I am told. Could be true. I do have my days.

On my first day of calling my own people I got four appointments. Maybe that's not a veteran agent's number, but by golly I'm going to say it is pretty darn good for my FIRST TIME on the phone ever. I'll also say that the guy who got "stuck" with newbie Ed was not complaining.

When we were out killing time in Land O' lakes, which, by the way, did have an inordinate amount of lakes and probably should have actually been called Minnesota, I was smiling and talking to people and being Ed and found out afterwards that my partner was following in behind me and making appointments wih some of them. He's a veteran and has already asked me to work with him again next week. I can't, but that's an encouraging sign.

I connect well with people and, occasionally and on a small scale, have been known to entertain them. You know my motto, "RAMBLIN' Ed CARES ABOUT YOU"? (I guess it should actually say "kinda cares about you") Well, it would be infinately more accurate to say "RAMBLIN' Ed LIKES YOU". because I do like everybody, at least initially. I automatically assume you to be a friend and a person worth knowing. Until you piss me off. Then you just suck. Verily.

I guess what I'm saying is this. My job is 95% to like other people and to be likable. I'm selling a relationship of sorts, and afterward, should you decide that you want health insurance or some financial planning, well I'm your man. No pressure, I can wait. SUMMARY: Ramblin' Ed gets to walk around, slapping hands, laughing loudly and telling long, rambling stories that stray far off point and never return. I get to make people laugh. I get to help people. Why the heck wouldn't I excel at this?

And now for the result of my pondering on this point. If I like doing this. And people like me as I'm doing this, we'll all be happy and relaxed. If we're all happy and relaxed, the business portion will flow natural and easy. If I'm doing natural and easy business all over the place, I am having fun. Cool. But since the company does not know it is so fun for me, they'll assume I'm one of those dour, all business kind of guys and keep putting commission checks into my bank account. Then I will not only be having fun, but I will be able to devote the brain wattage that has been occupied with worrying about money to the much more enjoyable task of having even more fun. That was my conclusion and it is attainable. I am going to have way much fun and make plenty of money doing it. I intend to be the best in the office by this time next year.

Sorry about that. Seems you got caught in a pep talk to myself.

Hey I had lunch with two beautiful women yesterday. Can't beat that with a stick, now can you? Well, yes, in fact, I can. One of them paid for the lunch, which made her my favorite of the two and a damn fine human being. Like a hound can be bought with a treat, so can a dog be bought with a free lunch. A Cuban samwich, no less!

Today I must take the wife for an eye exam and the cat for a shot. Or vice versa. Either way, they're both seeing a doctor today. I shall drive. I am like a soccer mom. Without kids. Or a minivan. Or soccer. Or breasts. No, wait. Actually I do have those now and it's a little embarrassing. man breasts, who'd a thought it? So I guess what I am is a chauffer. A tall, smiling, obedient driver with a nice rack. At your service.

Been enjoying reading y'alls blogs immensly. In fact, lately I have been reading them before I work on my own. You guys are pretty good. I've been accused sometimes of being too in love with my friends, but since there's no such thing I just dismiss the thought. You guys are all my favorites. Especially you, Dan. You crack me up mightily sometimes. We must do a cold draft together for sure.

OK, I'm done. Gotta wake up Princess or she'll miss her appointment. I will pepper this with photos I've been waiting to use but haven't. Don't read nothing into them.

I think I'll bore a hole and I don't know where, out
Ramblin' Ed


Blogger Unknown said...

I am very much a fan of the picture of the girl with the gun (inuendo aside). I havent been shooting in a while. Hmm...

9:21 AM  
Blogger Red Queen said...

I agree about the pic of the girl with the big one but today I especially like the stick person. I ma having a boo-radly day and that is kinda how I feel- like I dont ripped the leg right off my best fried- it could happen today and then I would have to cry for hours over it- Damn these hormone anyway.

12:42 PM  
Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

I think I'll bore a hole is a kids game, along the lines of this little piggy or got your nose, that my Grandaddy (who has been gone soooo long, I never knew him like I should and that saddens me) used to play with me. Then we'd go sit in rockers on his front porch and keep a running commentary on the cars that passed by. I was probably about 8 at the time.

7:55 AM  

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