Friday Night #3

Ruth and the wife have been interviewed in local periodicals about their mobile spa. On the 10th, the local television station is interviewing them on air, and the next day they will be interviewed by the Tampa Tribune. Dang! Talk about some top notch (free) publicity. Now if Tallahassee will get off their ass and send the salon license, we'll be cool. They have issued it and the girls know their licence number. But some governmental yahoo in some local office won't accept anything but seeing the paper.
I'm still waiting to hear from L3. I know they haven't filled the position yet, which is kind of OK. But I want them to fill it WITH ME. I got people to do and places to see. To support those goals, I need a better job.
Speaking of which, my current guard post gives me 8 hours straight, broken only by the occasional delivery truck, to concentrate on writing, musing, or just not falling asleep. That is good. If you are going to be in a low wage job, you should at least be afforded the opportunity to multi-task. Plus, the company could care less if I'm greeting the truckers with a cup of coffee in one hand and a big old fat stogie in my mouth, as long as I point them to the right recieving dock. Throw in some of that warm, Florida sunshine and you have a contented boy.
Friends from Carnegie and Erie, PA came down last week. I did what any good host would do. I went to their St. Pete hotel and me and the wife drank with them at the beach bar and did the head bob air guitar jam in rhythm with a competent enough road house band. Then we had them out to our place where the wife cooked up a mess o' Thai food for a big old yard eating party. (OK, we didn't eat the yard. We ate IN the yard, under the cigar tree.) The wife gave them facials (they were both women) and manicures and I took 'em to McDill AFB for cheap booze and smokes. Yes, I am a wonderous friend. "Hate to see you kill yourself, but if you're gonna, I can't let you do it paying retail."
A rarity in my world is to revisit a partially finished song and finish it. But here I did just that. A couple of posts back I posted a partial that was pretty good. I polished this up and rearranged the beginning a little bit. Here it is, in all it's, um, glory? Is there glory in a song about anything that Ramblin' Ed is moved to write about? The answer, of course, is: Not hardly.
Friday Night #3 1 0 & 29 Sept, 2006
I follow where a random wind directs me.
I don't make plans. They won't survive the rain.
Where I have been, was sort of where I headed.
Hope it's a place a fellow takes no blame.
I always thought you probably kinda missed me.
We've all got our delusions now and then.
You'd find me up in Jacksonville half broke down.
We'd crack a beer and wonder how I've been.
I'd say I have been better.
Other times I have been worse.
I can hardly tell a blessing from a curse.
I'd say you're looking fine tonight.
You'd smile and say, "I know."
And fade to black...that's how the daydream goes.
Don't worry, girl, I won't be staying
You're a Sunday. I'm a Friday night.
Smokey, like a mem'ry disappearin'.
From a time when you and I were more alike.
You were candy colored when I met you.
All sticky, you were such a sweet young thing.
I looked away when you smiled my direction.
Can't seem to get you looking back again.
You carried on with your life
While I shuffled on with mine
You found Jesus and a big old fancy home.
I found mosquitos big as gators
And the girls who love you long
Down more than just a few old dusty roads.
Don't worry, girl, ain't like I'm staying
You're too Sunday. I'm too Friday night.
Smokey, like a mem'ry disappearin'.
From a time when you and I were more alike.
You know, I almost did not recognize you.
Life takes time, and time's a rough old ride.
And anyway, we both got so much older.
You mark your years the way I mark the miles.
Maybe roads ain't warm for comfort,
Least you know come morning light,
They'll be right the way you left them as you slept.
They don't change or reinvent themselves.
Fall in and out of love.
They don't promise much, but promises are kept.
Don't worry, girl, I won't be staying
Reckon Sunday's just don't follow Friday nights.
They're smokey, like a mem'ry disappearin'.
From a time when you and I were more alike.
All smokey, like a mem'ry disappearin'.
From a time when you and I were more alike.
Unattended children will be given cappicuino and a free puppy, out
Ramblin' Ed
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