Thursday, December 16, 2004

Just because I knew you doesn't mean that I know you

JUST BECAUSE 15 Oct 2003
Just because I knew you
Doesn't mean that I know you
Time fades out colors & lives
And what all lies before us
Becomes what we always wanted
Becomes what we should have done with our time

Just because I held you
Doesn't mean that I felt you
Hearts beat out synchronous lies
And what we are "supposed to"
Becomes what we are immune to
Becomes just another day in the mines

I don't know much of nothing
I just get by on believing
Things will always work out like they will
And just because you want it
Doesn't really mean a thing
I guess that's pretty much the way I feel

Just because I love you
Doesn’t mean I always need you
Doesn't mean that I can't think for myself
What we think we stand for
Sometimes shifting like a sandbar
Sometimes vaguely like the stories we tell

Just because I knew you
Doesn't mean that I know you
Time will fade your colorful life
And what we found before us
Becomes what was gonna save us
Becomes once upon a younger man's time.

Cigar Porch, Yokosuka


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