Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Eewwww- a pop-up!

Today for a few hours I added an instant poll feature from BraveNet to this blog. It was pretty cool and I had customized it nicely. The entry button said "Fool. Vote now, fool.". That was my idea. It made me laugh, which is pretty much the only criteria I use for a post.

Well, I'm not laughing now.

I polled myself a few times at home (c'mon, we all do it sometimes) just to make sure. Yep, the poll looked nice and was fast and efficient. It shall be retained, methinks.

At home I use the Mozilla FireFox browser. It blocks pop-ups automatically unless I ask it not to.

Then I went to work and I quickly polled myself again, trying to finish before anyone else arrived. Like an episode of Sienfeld, huh? Anyway it started out well. And then... Blip. A freakin' pop-up ad! See, at work we browse with IE, and IE does not block pop-ups. Ever.*

Rather IE says, "Well hey there little pop-up. Good to see you, welcome aboard. Why not just plant yourself over top o' this here page Travelin' Ed is browsing and make yourself comfortable.".

Travelin'Ed was aghast and bummed. I will not be part nor parcel to pop-up proliferation on the web. Just won't do it. So I removed the poll code and thus the poll. Now all is back as it should be.

Luckily I average just under one visitor per day, so the likelihood of me pulling a "gotcha" on an innocent surfer was slim. But still....

So I suggest you use either the following link or the launch button under my profile and get the Mozilla FireFox browser.

* I know, Bill. SP2 does add pop-up blocking to IE, and yes, it does work pretty well. But dammit man, it took you long enough didn't it?


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