Sunday, December 12, 2004

No words.....nukes!

True story:

On the military's ASVAB test this was one of the series of questions (at least it was in 1978):

Count how many c's are in each group of lines:


There'd be about 6 sets like the one above. Seems it would be easy enough but apparently it was beyond my ability. I thought I did pretty well but the navy guy told me I wasn't fast enough. That was bad news for me because I was trying to enlist to become a navy journalist and had just been told I didn't have the attention to detail required of a journalist. I explained I'd probably be ok if we were allowed to use more than just those 2 letters but it fell on deaf ears and I was denied the job.

I want to make sure you get the point that I didn't have the attention to detail for writing full paragraphs, because what happened next should make you shudder when you smile.

I was promptly signed up for the nuclear electronics program and readied for the training to man up a nuclear powered fast attack submarine. Presumably it would not require much writing, which is good considering my propensity for distraction. Ooohhh look!, a shiny object.

That is a true story from my first few days with the military. Over 25 years they have not gotten significantly better. But the travel is good and the pay is fair, so what the hell.

Pices, out.


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