Still Listing
10 word combos I haven't Googled yet
10. Liquid brain stem
9. Gilded flatuance
8. Hypnotic crustacean
7. Tiger sniffing
6. Hobo depression
5. Spectator work site
4. Distinguishedly nondescript hero
3. Corduroy thimble
2. Innovative fence post
1. Pan fried dingo
9 Ways to kill time
9. Bake tarts (heh heh heh...he said tarts)
8. Sports on television
7. Find a new road on the map then go drive on it
6. Eat at a different resturant all 4 weekend meals (breakfast= 7-11 coffee)
5. Find a quiet pond and fish
4. Build a koi pond in your yard
3. Talk with old people
2. Start a blog then post to it
1. Go for a long, leisurely walk and take your camera along
8 Things that suprised me
8. How big basketball players are in person
7. How little weight you're allowed on airlines now
6. The breadth of carnage the tsunami caused
5. How good I karaoke
4. How big my ass got
3. How fast my ass got big
2. How cute my wife looks in braces
1. How much I seem to enjoy Tarantino flicks
7 More things that suck
7. Losing your TV for the whole 3 day weekend
6. Realizing homes cost $150,000 more than you expected
5. Spilling coffee on yourself on your way to go meet someone
4. You favorite team losing all of it's televised games and winning thrillers in the ones that are not televised
3. The secondary search at airport security
2. Infants with the stamina and inclination to cry for over 3 hours straight on an airplane
1. Having to pretend that you care about something
5 More things I wonder about
5. What it's like to be weightless
4. If I'll get cancer because I smoked as an adolescent
3. How big is the rush surfing on a giant wave
2. Do insects percieve time
1. If I get to be 80+, will I start to think about death a lot
4 Colors
4. Aqua
3. Gray
2. Yellow
1. Maroon
3 Feminine traits I possess
3. I get all weepy at real sad stories
2. I have a lot of shoes
1. I get moody
2 Coolest movie scenes ever
2. The 5,6,7,8's scene (and even more so their music video's included extra on the DVD) in Kill Bill Vol. 1
1. The John Travolta/Uma Thurman twist scene at Jackrabbit Slim's in Pulp Fiction. Uma says to John, "Dance good.".
1 Coolest automobile
1. Jaguar, hands down
Hey Ed,
I think I will take a long walk with my camera while looking for hypnotic crustaceans.... But the coolest car ever is the 1967 Ford Cobra, hands down.
Yes, Grashopper, and there serenity will approach you. Do not turn him away for he has Steelers tickets.
T' Ed
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