Saturday, April 30, 2005

Mea culpa

Well, apparently the topic of snot resounds with everyone I know. As Buffett said, "We're growing older but not up." Generated the most feedback in a long while.

Anyway, to the mea culpa part. I gave the Appalachian Intellectual grief over him getting all stuffed up, sneezing a good one, and plastering his cat with it. I mean, how much patience does that cat have to have to have let him live after that. Cats, more so than most animules, endeavor to maintain a sense of dignity.

So how can I, a self proclaimed professional and all around great guy, write a snot inspired post and leave out any mention of the glazed cat? I'm sorry AI. Thanks for calling me on it, brother man.

Slinking, out
Travelin' Ed


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