Friday, July 01, 2005

4 day weekend

Hola, peeps.
Look, I have 4 days off, an extensive collection of DVDs, and fireworks in the evening. These next few days, unless the coffee kicks in stronger than usual and/or somebody really pisses me off, will be kinda weak. Mostly I'll post something just so you won't waste the wrist & finger action of clicking over to my page just to find it not updated...again. Then you might get all uppity on me and quit visiting completely which would, and I'm not afraid to say it, devastate me. So I write.

I've been so suprised to find a like minded soul wandering this earth. In a lot of ways it's like looking in a way-back mirror and seeing myself in my 20's. In a lot of ways, they got me hands down in the smarts department. In a lot of ways I just want to sit down and do a vulcan mind meld with them, except I get the mind meld and death touch mixed up sometimes, and that would kinda suck if it happened. Still, it's been an interesting interaction to this point.

I watched 2 movies again yesterday that I really like. I guess maybe because I can relate pretty well with the characters. First I watched SPANGLISH. Awesome movie, especially if you know, or in my case married, someone new to the culture and with English as a second language. And it doesn't hurt that the title character is Penelope Cruz-like, drop dead gorgeous. And Adam Sandler does a good job too. He's cooler when he's not being goofy (though Happy Gilmore and Waterboy will always be on my Top 10 lists).

The other movie was Tom Hanks in THE TERMINAL. It's such a good movie. He plays such a mellow dude, caught up in the beuracracy. You smile all the way through and laugh out loud often.

I'm going to re-watch LOST IN TRANSLATION and THE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU today, stopping between the two for a nice, leisurly Flor de Ybor City out on the cigar porch. And I believe I can accompany it with a glass of fine, perfectly aged small batch invisible Kool-Aid. Well, I just noticed these are both Bill Murray movies. In in Steve Zissou you see him in a firefight with bad guys. Bill Murry. Action hero?? There's a collector's edition of Stripes out. Been looking for it.

We used to get what, 5 flavors of Kool-Aid? Then, 15 years ago I fell in love with blue Kool-Aid. Not even sure what flavor it is. But it's blue, so I liked it. Then I kinda lost track of my flavored sugar water trends for a while. So last time at the grocery store I found they had invisible (looks like water, tastes like Kool-Aid), color shifting (starts out one color and changes colors as you stir) and many different combinations that mix 'n match flavors. Yep, buying Kool-Aid now requires a thought process and decision above and beyond "Hmmm. Should I get grape or cherry?"

I am hoping to write something today. I'm really primed for it, but experience has told me that being primed to and being able to are different sea monkeys completely. So we'll see. But I intend to sit on the porch listening to some Bruce Robison to get the brain electrons all lined up in that silky smooth story telling direction.

Bruce Robison wrote 2 country songs that I really love. He has a great voice for them and I heard him sing them before I heard the covers of them. I don't get American radio, so I'm slow to catch things musically. But I can order stuff from CDNow. Anyway, he wrote TRAVELING SOLDIER, which is awesome. I think Dixie Chicks covered it, but you could get me to lie on that. But by far my favorite song of his is ANGRY ALL THE TIME. I saw a video with Tim McGraw and some girl other than Faith Hill singing that in a video, but I don't know if it was a single on the radio. And I'm not even sure if anybody that reads this blog listens to country. But hey, it's just my opinion anyway. And we know what that's worth.

So, happy 2nd of July, my peeps. Hang loose. Or hang tight. It always comes down to personal prefrence anyway.

Travelin' Ed


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