Thursday, August 04, 2005

Travelin' Ed breaks his 2 hour long silence

10 things that are just plain GOOD:

10. Getting the knot in your tie perfect
9. Visiting with old friends
8. Beautiful scenery
7. Hot sun, cool pool, floating chair
6. Pork BBQ
5. John Grisham books
4. Pink Floyd's WISH YOU WERE HERE album
3. Soft slippers
2. Catching a decent sized bass on an ultra-light rig
1. Nanner puddin' (Banana Pudding)

8 similarities between boys and dogs

8. Rambunctious and clumsy
7. Easy to dirty, hard to get clean
6. If given the choice will play pantless
5. Knows God put creeks there to play in
4. Quiet = trouble
3. Chases garbage trucks
2. Naps with wild abandon
1. Eventually learns to pee outside

6 Sentences to get your novel started

6. There he was, caught like a rat in a trap with his hand in Marty's pocket.
5. The artificial tree had always had it in for him and tonight one of them would perish.
4. It was a kinda sickly shade of orange, almost sherbert colored, but still, it was an awfully stylish bicycle helmet.
3. Life was better now that he realized there were correct and incorrect ways to don your shoes.
2. He had a face like a beagle and the breath of a beagle's butt. Still, she found him kinda cute.
1. "Hey", she hollered, "watcha gonna do with that squirrel if you catch it, Silas?"

4 types of glasses

4. Plastic drinking glass (large)
3. Wine glass
2. Juice glass (small)
1. Reading glasses

2 types of garage doors

2. Not automatic
1. Automatic

1 simple pleasure

1. Sitting outside, alone with your thoughts, with a solid feeling mug of fresh, hot coffee on a warm, quiet morning, surveying all that you command.

Bet you're glad I got off my navy saga. I know I am. I want to post some new poems soon, but am waiting for a friend to come home.

Me and DRE have already decided to get together every weekend, alternating between his place and mine, to talk, eat, play cards and/or cribbage, and to WRITE NEW SONGS. I'll figure out how to put them somewhere you can listen to them online.

If anybody knows Kirsten Dunst, tell her I'd love to take her to dinner.

Rick Derringer's ROCK 'N ROLL HOOTCHIE KOO still rocks!! After all these years.

How do you feel about dropping "Travelin' Ed" and replacing it with "Ramblin' Ed"? I'm thinking that ramblin' has two meanings. The first is a kind of unhurried, meandering journey, and that nicely sums up my style of living. The other meaning is long, pointless stories, which also sums up my style of living. Give it some thought before you vote, but, like they say in Louisiana, VOTE EARLY AND VOTE OFTEN.

Appease, out
Travelin' Ed


Blogger Gun Trash said...

I vote for Ramblin' Ed.

9:03 AM  
Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

It do have a ring to it, don't it?

11:39 AM  
Blogger Red Queen said...

I second gunners vote! oh and I am back home for a few weeks though I dont think I am the one you are waiting for- I cant wait to hear those stories of hers for sure. I am the lucky one cause I will get some of them first person with the eyes flashing like summer lightning and the words pouring a summer torrent rushing through the hillside.

6:13 PM  
Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

As it stands, the vote is 3-0 in favor of the name change.

Dang! and all my e-mail accounts say Travelin' Ed.

5:26 AM  

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