Hello, you stars of the rock n' roll
Not having a lot of time to blog, and today is no exception. I did a lot of stuff yesterday, including testing for a job that I do not want. But still, I took the test for a reason.
When I went to take my postal exam it was explained that this was for a data entry job and would entail 4, 6 or 8 hours of sitting and typing. At that point about 20 of the 80 or so people there got up and left. I almost did too, especially when I realized that even though I was going to pass this test, I was likely not going to pass the typing test.
Still, I pressed on. Why? Because I figured the more tests I take, the better I'll get at them. And I'm glad I did. I found two weak areas where I did not complete the whole sections in the alotted time. I got pretty far and I'm sure I passed them. But I did not finish.
Besides, I did learn how to take the test for regular postal jobs. A test I can take as a newly retired veteran. A test that is otherwise closed to the public because they had 20,000 applicants the last time it was offered. Will assuredly pursue that.
I've been jotting down funny things I've heard. I was gonna wait to find more, but will just have to use them now.
I'll admit I fall in love a lot. I nearly always give it my best shot. You must think that I'm the reckless kind. But I want a woman with a fearless heart just like mine. - Steve Earle
Sure, it's easy to point out my faults. It's a lot harder to shut up. - Homer Simpson
Oh, c'mon, it's not gay. There are guns in the room. - American Dad
Guns defend you from people with smaller guns. - American Dad
You can't raise children on amphetimines, barbituates, and alcohol. - Johnny Cash
Diamonds are diamonds. Stones are stones. A man is both good and bad. - Roy Orbison
Gracefully flailing, out
Ramblin' Ed
Good thinking on the test. Something else may come open. That and there is no need in getting rusty.
You don't hear "Going Postal" much anymore, do you?
I've known two retired AF guys who went to work for the USPS.
One, a letter carrier who loved it, he had lost about 25lbs and was very happy over that and said he enjoyed the job.
The other guy worked in a sorting facility and he didn't have very nice things to say about it.
Hey Friend o' Mine- Happy Thanksgiving
I thank you for being my friend for soooo many years and cause I know you are always there to kick my butt if I need it!
Gunner, the job that they had me testing for was at a sorting facility, too. I honestly could not see me doing it for more than one day.
Red Queen. What can I say? Not sure how it happened, when it happened or why. But somewhere along the way you became the middle one of my three lifelong heros. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Jn & Big V.
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