Saturday, January 01, 2005

Grandmom's down

Spent last night, well most of it anyway, at the Rama 9 Hospital. Grandmom was not right. No specific illness or injury. Just not quite right. Nong is all up in arms 'cause she loves grandmom so much. But at 90 years old, this is not really unexpected. She looks like she'll be fine and will be home tomorrow.

I didn't get any help with my song, so I'm figuring y'all were all busy partying like it's 1999 and didn't have time. I'll let it slide, since I'm just that kind of guy.

Am slowly learning Thai. Today I tried ordering my own meal. I was close, but haven't mastered the nuances yet. I ordered (phonetical spelling here) ka-pow koo-kai. It means basil chicken on rice. Except what I apparently asked him was to grab a rooster out of the yard and put him in my rice. No one explained before that while koo-kai is indeed the word for chicken, cooked chicken you are going to eat is just called gai. So I should have said ka-pow gai.

The waiter was smiling at me with amusement, but did actually understand me. Anyway, I figure I should have no trouble remembering ka-pow. Just conjur up old Batman shows...KA-POW!!! GAI!!! Holy poultry, Batman. Check out that chicken.

Last note. Moo means pork. so Ka-pow moo is basil pork on rice. Boner appetite!

Peeks, out.
Travelin' Ed


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