Redundant posts
This old blog site has been really bogged down lately. My early morning is early evening stateside, so maybe it's a heavy use issue. All I know is when I go to publish it will sit and spin for 5, 10, or even 20 minutes, stuck on a small percentage number such as 8% complete. My connection is really fast and other sites are a breeze, so the data transfer problem belongs to them boys and not me. I will normally just hit the stop button and then try to publish again. I think I'll quit doing that, though. Imagine my chagrin this morning to find all of those multiple posts. I cleaned them up, as you can see. I was going to write about our Japanese interpreter who, while he knew he was going to work for the navy, hadn't taken into account all the nautical stuff. You know, like ships, A-comm ladders and small boats. I'll do that blog tonight or tomorrow. We gotta be pierside at oh-dark thirty for a small boat transfer to the ship which spent the night at anchor. Yep, we're going out again today. Yo ho ho, out Travelin' Ed
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