Thursday, May 26, 2005

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Things what they like to say about me:

1. He ain't heavy. He's a bother.
2. At first he seems insane, but that's just crazy.
3. Just like the son I never wanted.
4. You're eighteen, boy. Now I'm cutting off your end of the table and sending you into the navy.

As the Mysterious Rhinestone Cowboy used to sing:
Soulshine. It's better than sunshine. It's better than moonshine. It's damn sure better than rain.

Ain't it the truth, baby. Ain't it the truth.

OK, this is just weird. Check them out...THEY'VE GOT GPS!!

This is a crying shame. I am in a funk, but not funky. Today's CNN poll:
Should the Spice Girls get back together?
Yes....30%....10227 votes
No.....70%....24283 votes

Travelin' Ed


Blogger Hill Billy Rave said...

Hey, Ed, your qouting our home boy Warren Haynes of Woodfin NC. I know some one who used to jam with him. As for the Panties...I'd rather just know her well.

1:00 AM  
Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

I like ol' Warren, though I never knew where he was from. Don't he front Gov't Mue now. Or used to. It's a little hard for me to keep up with these type of Americana from over here.

As for the panties, it's the GPS that scares you, isn't it?

2:43 AM  

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