Sunday, March 12, 2006

Jab enter view, or not ?

We went off,off,off,off Broadway to a dinner theater here in Brandon. It was a showing of The Odd Couple, but it was kind of askew. The acting was OK, but I guess they supposed everybody already knew the premise. They did not really set up that Oscar was a slob or that he was a sports writer. They tried to set up that Felix was a neat freak, but mostly by putting him in an apron and having him pout and whine a lot. I asked Nong later, if she understood the play, since she does not know The Odd Couple story and she said, "I think so. It was a fat man and his gay friend." And I was thinking, yep... that's how it looked. Still, we went as a family, and it was a fun evening.

Things are not easy for me. Or at least they never have been. I joined the navy because I was tired of working all the time and still starving. Now I'm out and I feel a little bit cut loose. A little drifting. Like I am on hiatus from real life. But here's the thing...

Can you change and not know it? Can the world change while you're gone? Can a little of both happen? I mean look, I was a poor student. Now, I have passed the state Insurance Licensing Exam after just a few weeks study and pull a 90% on it. Then I start my college studies, where I fully expected to struggle and am pulling an A on what I feel is about 20% effort.

I take a job. Granted it is not much of a job, but still. In two months I am exceeding the expectations they are going to have for me (note I said going to have, not already have) at the two year point. Exceeding them. And I don't feel I am expending any more energy than talking on the phone. I know I am fixing to get really, really bored.

I mean, I am one lazy dude. I freely admit that. And I am not particularly good at things. I admit that too. I like to write and watch TV. So what's the deal? Are national standards steadily declining, so much to the point that I am above average? That hardly seems right. Did the navy shoot me with some kind of undetectable RFC Ray (Reading For Comprehension Ray)? I am really perplexed. And the only thing I can figure is that my time management skills are good and I have a fair amount of self discipline. To me, though, it still seems that you'd need more. You know, smarts or something.

Now, before I let you go, just let me say:
While snacking on the singing dog and painting the newspaper, I became fascinated with the curve of the barstool leg. It was one of four, which was really twelve, but either works better than five so I spilled my cereal. The road was gone outside, but since it was never very long I was filled with a craving for perogies. Mmmmm .... cheese and butter. A guy in North Carolina cleaned his gun and smiled, which mesmerized a reader of electronic words in a far distant city, and spawned discussion of his boots. Small world, eh? So, after the boot talk made me realize that a milkshake, banana flavored, and a cheerleader would hit the spot right about now, I put on my jeans and Airwalks, powered down Toshiba #5, and smiled at the commute before me. Verily.

It's true. I need a pitchfork, out
Ramblin' Ed


Blogger Gun Trash said...

The Navy did it.

I too was a directionless, oxygen sucking toadie until the USAF instilled some discipline and order into my psyche. They helped me realize that there is only one person responsible for GunTrash's future and that is Mr GunTrash himself and if he wanted a reasonably happy life, he better get with the effing program and quit slacking off!

I'm still an oxygen sucking toadie, but now I'm a fairly happy and content toadie and in hindsight I did okay for myself.

Yep, I'd say the US Navy had a large part in your the changes you speak of.

10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The difference you are observing is due to your age and military service. The "twenty somethings" you are working/schooling with have never been held responsible to any strict standards although they probably have "high self esteem".

Also, most PHDs are no smarter than the other students an institution matriculates. They have learned to focus on matters important to them. An extreme case is the MD. They can probably function in an exhausted state better than anyone.

Don't be surprised at your success, you have been shown what it takes to do well.

2:09 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I blame TV...not for your mad skills but for the decline in the world around you...but then I blame a lot of things on TV. I just figured everyone was being positive I should be the exception that makes the rule...or soemthing. -Jn

8:46 AM  

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