Thursday, May 04, 2006

That's Yarrrg!, with a Y

Pros of being a Pirate:
1. Jimmy Buffet will look up to you
2. Pantaloons
3. Pillaging
4. Tropical locales mean tropical hours
5. You get to say Yarg!!
6. You deal in booty.
7. Pirates never pay late fees
8. "Reserved. Pirates only" parking
9. When you decide to take a girl on a date, you literally just take her.
10. Cool lingo: Crow's nest, peg leg, yard arm, Yarg!!, me matey.
10a. johnny Depp. (Sorry, but he's really cool.)
Cons of being a Pirate:
1. The whole hanging by the neck until dead thing.
2. People always saying you can't beat a ninja.
3. Crappy dental plan
4. Unkempt beards are so 19th century
5. Doubloons get heavy
6. Dealing with skeletons in dark caves
7. Never sure if Eroll Flynn is or is not gay.
8. Parrot poop
9. Getting cut in a sword fight and screaming Aaarrggh!! and your crew thinks you said Yarg!! and cheerfully agree with you.
10. Inexplicably, cheerleaders don't dig Pirates.
10b. Having to defend thinking Johnny Depp is the coolest.

BONUS STORY below. Just click to enlarge and guffaw to your heart's content.
Members Only, please.

Like a cookie slowly crumbles, out
Ramblin' Ed


Blogger Ed said...

I spent many a day as a child while listening to my Sinbad the Sailor record dreaming of being a sailor and fighting pirates. Always seemed like such a romantic job. However, when I graduated, there weren't any openings.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Gun Trash said...

Cool post. I know that I always look forward to this day each year.

4:05 PM  
Blogger Red Queen said...

Between you, the one who makes me gaffaw or blubber or atleast remember when, and Gunner who has the perfect link to everything worth ever knowing, i am just one happy camper!!! Of course you forgot one that was a fav when we were in school- Jose Gasparilla Day

1:23 PM  

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