Busy, busy times. Next week I start my new job as a Custom Protection Officer for Wackenhut, or as I call it, A whackin slut for Wackenhut. Sure, I know it makes no sense. But it is fun to say. Like "Onononopia, I don't wanna see ya".
On April 27 my application goes back in to the Hillsborough Sheriff's office and my understanding is that the Major will fast track it. However, I have come to understand that when dealing with the county, a fast track is probably more less slow than it is fast. Yes, it DOES make sense. Read it again.
I did a group project for my Marketing class. 5 of us, all on line, in 4 different time zones trying to use email and chat to communicate. That was not the bad part as the technology for that is mature. The other students were not, however. Mature, that is. So a typical day consisted of a lot of small talk and talking in circles and noting how "somebody oughta do something like this except I can't do it because..." and getting nowhere in the end. Another term for group could be cluster, which reminds me for an apt description that I could insert here if I were not such a gentleman.
Several of you made my week this week with some things you all said off line. I won't share that, but I will share this: Never met none of you. Care deeply for all of you. Is that possible?, you ask. Well, it is for me.
Not a snowball's chance in Wales, out
Ramblin' Ed
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