Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Ms. Nordia Finegan,
I'd like to inform you of my decision to resign, effective the 17th of April, or sooner if mutually acceptable to both Stream and myself.

I have enjoyed my time at Stream and am appreciative of the training and opportunity I was afforded here.

While my main reason for leaving is to pursue a position in county government, my dissatisfaction with HISO hastened my decision. I took the position after calling Eli White and talking to him and being assured that this was a technical position and not sales. I was doing well as a tech, but have no stomach for sales, regardless of how it is presented. I am not saying I was misled, I am saying that things have changed.

William E. "Ed" Abernathy

Well, that's what it looked like. Never resigned before. Have quit twice and been fired once, but never put it to paper. I really hope they give me next week off, but with them begging for overtime from everybody, I don't see it happening.

There really isn't much to say. Not enough time to whip up some fiction.... The puppy was white, not white as in pure, but white as in not yet been around enough for the stains to start their accumulation, and playful in the way of the innocent of heart.... so that will have to wait. I am getting behinder and behinder in my studies this week and it's another 3 chapter snoozefest. I am carrying a 100% average in the class and I don't think anyone, my wife especially, understands just how much time I put into this. I work between 0400 and 0600 then e-mail it to myself at work where I work on it before work and during lunch before e-mailing it back to myself at home for some afternoon revision.

Anyhoo, nothing witty. Nothing profound. Nothing satisfying. Gators won, sounds like they won big. Well, good on 'em I suppose.

Time's up. Out.
Ramblin' Ed


Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

Ummmm... No.

6:53 AM  
Blogger Ed said...

As someone who has written several letters, I would advise you to leave out the negative reasons for leaving, i.e. sales. Now if you ever ask them for a reference, they will possibly say that you are a quitter because you didn't like some aspect of your job and more ever, refused to even give it a try.

I make a policy of always remaining positive. In your case, you are pursuing working for the government and enjoyed everything your current employer has done for you. You may have burned a bridge depending on how much of a lurch you will leave them in... star technical support person of the year.

7:23 AM  
Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

I live... yet I refuse to learn.

She had asked for a letter of when and why I was leaving. I didn't think much past that, although, possessing tremendous hindsight as I do, I now see your point.

SEND key pressed, email sent, shoulders shrugged and (hopefully) lesson learned.

Thanks, Ed

8:36 AM  
Blogger Gun Trash said...

Steve Wright said, "I phoned my dad to tell him I had stopped smoking. He called me a quitter."

Hey, now you'll have more time to get your homework done and blog. May not pay as much as your Technical Service/Telemarketeer position, but much less hectic.

Surely you can pick up aluminum cans or sumtin' like that until the Sherriffing position comes open.


I changed my mind and now I want to know. What is a Goat Locker?

2:03 PM  
Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

No, my last day here is the first day I expect to start my next b... unless they release me early, which is doubtful.

Goat Locker: That's where the old goats hung out (AKA Chiefs (E7), Sr. Chiefs (E8), and Master Chiefs (E9)).
Used in a sentence: Y'all finish tweaking up that radar and then let me know if it's working. I'll be in the goat locker having a cup o' joe."

4:03 PM  

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