So long, Opus. We barely knew ye

I believe I understand spirituality. It's religion that has me stumped.
I believe Microsoft Word could quit trying to format for me. I have never used the "justify" function, and am tired of turning in papers with a random paragraph justified.
I believe I will quit this job, probably next Sunday.
I believe I need to find a quiet fishing hole soon or I am not going to be the same mellow dude I always am.
I believe pajama bottoms are stylish and comfortable. I also believe that wearing the pajama top is just geeky.
I believe that outside is a whole lot better than inside, that swimming in a pool is better than swimming in an ocean, and that "for richer or poorer" won't hold up in court.
I believe I really like my friends even if, like last night, I've only known them a couple of days.
I believe you are penalized more for being a legal immigrant than an illegal immigrant. I further believe that isn't right.
I believe in a basic goodness about things.
I believe I am finished for now.
It's only a feengernale, out
Ramblin' Ed
You haven't been watching a lot of Andy Rooney lately, have you, R' Ed?
Hey, I like my verification word! jtxhaha I like that one, it's almost a word and anything that ends in Ha!Ha! has to make you feel pretty darned good.
You try it, Ed. jtxHAHA
Huh? It's puts a smile on your face, don't it?
No on the Andy Rooney. One of those items was very long, but I decided it made me look bad even though I didn't mean it that way. So I just shortened everything and put a snapshot of my thought this morning out. Kinda like a Norton Ghost for the brain. So, um, justHaHa. (Yeah, that do feel purty good)
I beleive your right about the immigration deal, Ed.
I almost always thing Andy Rooney is spot on the money in his commentaries.
I expect we both know about legal immigration. My mother-in-law was just granted a three week visa to come see her granddaughter when she is supposed to be born June 28th. The issued visa expires on June 28th. What a crock!
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