Monday, April 03, 2006

Ch-ch-changes. Sorry, Dave.

Whole lotta changes. First my widdle job. I didn't mind doing tech support, other than it got real boring, real quick. But it was easy enough walking people through uninstalling and reinstalling software or turning off the occasional e-mail filter. Starting last Friday, though, tech support became secondary to selling high speed internet, and I don't want to be a telephone salesman. In fact, right now, I just don't do it. My main goal is to quit before they fire me so I can use them as a reference.

Talked to the Sherriff's Deartment guy again last night who assured me that there was a place for me there. As you may recall, as much as I loved the cigar tree, and even just the idea of the cigar tree, they held up my application until it had been six months without one. Cigar, not tree. I may be a peckerwood, but I am not a woodpecker. Six months is up in a couple of weeks and the application is going in.

In the meantime... what to do? Stay at a job I no longer enjoy? Change jobs for just a few weeks? Quit, but not take another job? To me, the choice is obvious. Change jobs, even if only for a few weeks. I'll go in on Wednesday and apply. If hired, I'll give notice at work that (the Sunday before whatever Monday my training starts) will be my last day. I don't know, at least I'll feel better. I'd like to just quit and take it easy a week or so, but there's the whole paying of the bills dilema.

Florida Gators and UCLA are in the finals. Oooops, sorry. Did I just yawn? Why yes, I believe that I did.

Dang!!! They keep assigning reading assignmetns 3 chapters at a whack. That may not seem like much to you, but between the near constant interruptions, and the fact that I start nodding off about every 8 paragraphs, it can literally take days to get through it. Guess I need to learn to scan the reading, but I am really trying to get the most out of it.

Been really mulling over the whole Bachelors Degree thing. I think I need to factor in my age against the degree and decide if it'll improve my employment chances enough to justify the student loan debt. Short answer: Doubtful. Hey, I like sunshine blown up my skirt as much as the next guy, but you always gotta be honest with yourself. And like I said a few months ago, honestly, I have a great future behind me.

That show MY NAME IS EARL is great. So is FREDDIE. I'm drawing a blank on the girl's name in EARL right now, only because I'm thinking too hard, but she's been in a bunch of movires and was a Maxim & Stuff magazine favorite. Anyway, she's originally from NC and she rednecks up real good for the part. She makes such hilarious trailer trash. Ah, yes...her name is Jamie Pressley.

I give you infection real good, out
Ramblin' Ed


Blogger Gun Trash said...

You appear to have lots of proverbial irons in the fire, R' Ed. Just a thought here:

I'm like you, at 40 something or other (or getting close), does a BS on the resume do all that much for your resume?

Also, was the Sheriff Dept going to be your remaining life's work? If so, do you need a BS to be a Deputy?


Hose you? That's a good one

7:09 AM  
Blogger Ed said...

I've always wondered just what it would take to get fired. I always thought that if I had an opportunity to find out someday I would. First I would stop doing any work. Then I might start listening to the walkman with headphones and singing out loud. Maybe then progress to over the computer speakers where everyone can hear. If that doesn't work, bring in a pillow and curl up on the floor for a nap. Just keep upping the ante until I found out the answer to that question.

8:33 AM  
Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

No, I don't need the degree for the sherriff, and assuming I can pass the acedamy/handle being in a room full of prisoners all day, I think I'd be done looking for work. Pay, bebefits and retirement are good.
Still, I am doing well on the AABA, and hate to leave it unfinished. Just for myself. I do not really feel that the costs of the BA are going to be recouped, and will not likely pursue it. We'll see.
Ed Abbey, I was able to get fired from being the Customer Service manager at Lowe's for, and I quote, "Making fun of my name tag" while I was in the break room. That is true. Hope that helps you some.

11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until I read that, I betcha someone could have offered me $100 if I could guess in 100 tries how a person can get fired from Lowes I would NEVER have guessed, "By making fun of my nametag in the break room."

Flashing the customers or telling them , "Hey, you can get it cheaper at Home Depot." yes, you should be fired (well, maybe not for the flashing). But, nametag frivolity... never!

A.G.T. in the garage hacking around with his Linux machine and ain't signed into no

1:02 PM  
Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

Well, Gunner, I was a might surprised also.

What's with the continued use of the winged avatar there? Gay pride?

1:32 PM  
Blogger Ed said...

Thanks. I'll file that one away for future reference.

Your boss must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed on that one.

1:55 PM  
Blogger Gun Trash said...

Gay? Yeah, most of the time I am happy and upbeat.

I think a lot of that is due to the fact that I never wore pants with the back pockets sewn onto the front. Plus I never lived with 300 or so other men inside an oversized gray dumpster that had the plumbing and wiring on the outside of the walls and the top of my bed just 6" from the ceiling.

10:07 PM  
Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

Well, as you know, Gunner, I am guilty of all of that. And remember, I spent a lot of time in a place called "The Goat Locker", too.

5:54 AM  
Blogger Gun Trash said...

Goat locker? I don't want to know.

6:00 AM  

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