Sunday, April 09, 2006

Hello, Atus

Probably should be hiatus, actually. Will probably not post today, tomorrow or Tuesday. I am bailing work tonight and driving up to Jacksonville. I'm skipping work tomorrow to be at a friend's retirement ceremony, but driving home right after. Figure to get in late and be too tired on Tuesday to post. Just letting you know the scoop.


Blogger Hill Billy Rave said...

Ed, I hope you have a great time getting together with all of those "old freinds" that are still just as good of freinds as they were ever. I also hope that traffic was merciful on you.

7:10 AM  
Blogger Gun Trash said...

If you had a laptop with Wi-Fi you could still be blogging along the way. Just find an the occasional Wi-Fi hotspot, pull over, tap into it, and just road-blog.

Need any other kind of advice? I'm full of it (advice, that is).

6:49 PM  

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