Tuesday, April 18, 2006

No you don't

I would have come to a screeching halt except I was already standing at the counter. Once halted it it difficult to halt further, screechingly or otherwise. You know, a body at rest tends to stay at rest and a body in motion tends to wear leotards. That's the college physics I never took speaking now. I know a lot of sutff for a guy often referred to as a dumb ass.

I needed oil and some filters. I knew the place to get them. An auto parts store. I walked in, got two 1 gallon jugs of 10W-40 and an extra quart. Not sure if the GMC is 4 or 5 quarts and it's been 10 years or more since I did an oil change. Pretty sure the Pontiac will be 4 quarts. Do the math, that's 9 quarts, or... two 1 gallon jugs and an extra quart. Dang, I'm good.

Got the nine quarts of oil, a drip pan for catching it and the filter for the GMC. The reference book for filters goes up to 2005. My Pontiac is a 2006. So I went to the counter.

"Can you help me look up an oil filter?"
"A 2006 Pontiac G6. "
"It has a 4 cylinder."
"No it doesn't."
"No it doesn't."
"Yes it does."
"No it doesn't. They don't make them with 4 cylinder engines."

Then he showed me right there in the computer. But I had asked for a 4 banger when I ordered it from GM. So I went out and looked. Looked like a 4 cylinder to me. It only had 4 plugs. It was an Ecotec 2.4 liter. I went in and asked him to come out and look. He did. And he agreed. It was a 4 cylinder alright.

We went in and had to find the oil filter by looking up Pontiac vehicles until we found something with the 2.4L Ecotec. Grand Am. Nope. Grand Prix. Nope. Firebird. Nope. Sunbird. DingDingDingDing! We have a winner.

That's it. We found it. Got all the stuff I needed. Happy ending, right? We'll see. I have not yet popped the hood and looked for the filter. As I recall from my past dealings with Pontiacs, you often need to disassemble a large portion of the engine to get enough space for your fingertips to get some tiny grip on the filter to inch it off. So there is every chance this will suck. It might not... but it will.

Ed Abbey quoting Top Gun in my comments. Who'd have thunk it? I remember that movie had me so hyped up I wanted to join the navy. But I was already in, so I was thinking about getting out just so I could then join.

Like a combination moustache cleaner and tooth polisher, out
Ramblin' Ed


Blogger Red Queen said...

I cant see to type for all the tears- not for your sad story mind you but for these dogs- that was a day maker!!!!

2:37 PM  
Blogger Ed said...

I gave up changing my oil several years ago though I know if I did I could change my oil four times for the price of one oil change at the place uptown. I got tired of having to jack up my car and squirm under just to be able to reach the filter and then like you said, maybe get it turned off one twentieth of a turn at a time. I would just once like to meet an oil filter engineer on the street sometime and "talk" some sense into them.

7:59 AM  

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