Thursday, May 31, 2007

So Basically....

So basically, yeah, life is good. First and foremost, AI is coming home from Iraq soon, all in one piece and without, it would seem, a major attitude. I'm stoked about that. I'm sure he's stokeder.

So basically, I am fulfilling the American dream of fat, dumb, and happy. Fat and happy come easy to me. Dumb seems to come to me gradually, creeping up and taking over. If life is like a box of chocolates, dumb is like a yard with crab grass. Or was that, life is like a box of chaw-klits? I can never rightly remember.

So basically the crappie were so big and so active that they were making the water boil in our little corner of the big old lake. The picture does not do justice to the moment. But I can bring you the picture. The moment, I fear, has passed. It happens. Took a while to figure out that they were hitting lead head jigs with a feather tail. White, with a red eye. They sure as hell weren't hitting anything else.

So basically, I am unimpressed (again) with my choices for president so far. Huckabee and Thompson interest me a little. Gingrich is a mean spirited little toad. But that is about the depth of my likes and dislikes. I wish Neil Young would run. We'd be rockin' in the free world then, with toilet paper and roads to drive. But, well, he's Canadian.

So basically, I took my lawn off of life support. I have the installed sprinklers, but the sun is so hot, my yard is so sand (which gets so hot it scorches roots), and we are so drought stricken that I just turned the timer off. I wasn't keeping it alive so much as I was making it die slower. You have grass in the front yard, I have straw. It crunches beneath my feet when I walk the dogs. I have spots where, when the dog pees, the plants think, "Hey, thank God it's raining," and suck it all up then turn brown. Yeah, I was throwing good water after bad, so I turned it off.

So basically, I haven't cut my hair in months. It's starting to get shaggy.My only problem with that is I don't hve a hair style in mind. I still (sorta) have the same short hair doo as always, but with more, and more unruly, folicles and stuff. I've always been a bit of a hippie at heart. Not a hipster. Nope. But a hippie. Except for the not bathing and living in communes. I'm not into that. Oh, and I don't care for VW busses. They're get up and go. But tie-dyed shirts, songs with sitars, and of course peace, love, and understanding. Yeah... you know.

So basically, Ed does a lot more of what Ed wants to do these days. I fish at least once on the weekends except when I road trip. I went to Jacksonville and St. Augustine this weekend. My buddy was home from Qatar. He mostly wanted to sit and talk, drinking way too much Sailor Jerry's and smoking way too many expensive cigars. So, that's what we did. The drive up and back was excellent, except for patches of love bugs, so in honor of the perfect Florididdy weather, I only played Tom Petty and Jimmy Buffett all the way up and back. Well, I slipped a Shaver CD in half way up there. But he's all purpose. And I dig him.

So basically, I'm outta here. Pipedragger busted my balls about what constitutes good TV, and he's certianly entitled to his opinion. No matter how wrong it may be! Hey, I'm smiling on the outside, but laughing on the inside and here. Gotta listen to Ryan Adams' NOTE TO SELF, DON'T DIE again.

Ramblin' Ed


Blogger Hill Billy Rave said...

I appreciate the shout out, Ed.

11:50 AM  

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