Monday, August 08, 2005

He done dawn fishin'

Up at the crack of dawn. Out the door at 0600. Down to Bayonet Point off Gandy Blvd., but in Tampa. Nice sunrise. Perfect temperature. Relativly empty, with just a couple of joggers sharing the morning with us. I used a nice Abu Garcia spinning reel because I am woefully out of practice with a bait caster. DRE used the baitcaster. It didn't help. In fact, the one who caught the most yesterday was the loser. See, we didn't catch any fish. DRE caught a rock and a pier twice . I laughed at him until I almost caught up to his dubious achievement. In the end I was once on a rock and once on a pier. Great morning, lousy fishing.

Headed out to Bayou Grande in the Weedon (something something) Park. I am not remembering the name right now. Gonna rent the kayaks that I talked him out of fishing from earlier. Man, the bayou was beautiful. It was so peaceful and serene. We drove over and parked by the canoe/kayak launch ramp and moseyed over to where we would discover that they don't rent kayaks. Great morning, lousy kayaking.

Decided to cruise on home. We of course took a scenic route that took us around St. Petersburg a bit, over Tampa Bay on a long, elegant bridge and through a bit of Tampa. Had a notion to purchase a cuban at one of the many Latin Markets on the way home. A cuban, for those of you north of I-4, is basically a submarine (hoagie, po boy) sandwich that has both sides buttered and pressed in what looks suspiciously like a waffle iron. It comes out hot, flat and delicious. But nothing was open. It was truely a great morning, but lousy for cubans.

We were, however, able to purchase some Florida Lottery tickets. Here is where our luck changed. Boy did it change. To the tune of $3 !! DRE bought four $1 scratch off tickets and we won a cool three bucks. We're plotting the spending of them right now.

Been having some trouble getting my new Earthlink e-mails into the various e-mail programs I use. They seem a bit proprietary to me, as the Earthlink server won't recognize my logon password as valid when it comes from any program other than the Earthlink e-mail client. I'll defeat this nefarious attempt... eventually. I'll admit that I lose the bubble frequently when it comes to servers, IP addresses and the like. I'm not a numbers guy.

Anyway, I told you that to tell you this: I got the comments you guys made. But you might have gotten an "Undeliverable" message. I think I got that fixed.

A termite walks into a bar and says, "Is the bar tender here?"
A jumper cable walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Don't start anything."

Ramblin' Ed


Blogger Red Queen said...

Thanks for the really bad jokes! I is a ritual for Jn and all her friends to round up at our cottage most nights and before they leave they all tell the same bad jokes each year- no bar jokes yet cause they weren't old enough but.... I will have to remember these for next year and maybe the kids will be back. Sadly most of them were not around this year.

What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs that.... hangs around front doors?


...hangs on the wall


...sits on a grill

Chuck etc. etc.

8:05 AM  
Blogger Gun Trash said...

Thanks for not doing this one - A ham sandwich walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve food in here."

8:57 PM  

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