Tuesday, October 25, 2005

3 Interviews

Gotta go. Gotta find a job. I have 3 interviews. Will try a post this evening.

Like you're really holding your breath over it.

Ramblin' Ed


Blogger Hill Billy Rave said...

I hope all goes well. Do the Sporting Goods Store, or be a Cosmic Guide.

11:18 AM  
Blogger Red Queen said...

I gotta tell you this is just terrible- I go away for a bit of a break and to cough up a few lungs and the whole world starts to fall apart in my absence. You wake up on day to find you are unemployed and my other blogging friend Kilo discovers that do to smacking a highwall at too fast a rate of speed he is also currently not going to work. UGH Somebodies head should roll somewhere- must I always hold the world together? Oh sorry there- my alter ego got started and well....
I hope that you find a job that is truely worthy of you and the skills that you have honed. Ed. you have so much to offer and I know you will find the right fit. PS I am reading this really great book that points out that most of the CEO's in the Big 500 companies are all over 6 ft tall- being tall is more important then being brilliant and we both know how brilliant you are so you are CEO to the max.

4:35 PM  
Blogger Gun Trash said...

Good luck with it, Ed. Keep plugging away. A place a big as Tampa surely has the right job for you. It's just a matter of sorting thru 'em.

9:56 PM  
Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

Oh well. I'm just not one for a whole lot of worrying. It'll work out.

Thanks for the support. All of you.

And Murf, I know what you suggest, but I can't beat them into having a position open.

7:14 AM  

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