Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Swisher, sweets.

Yesterday (yestiddy if you are reading this in NC) we cashiered at the Tampa Palms store. It was fun and we talked and joked with the customers as we checked them out in a slow, yet totally inept fashion. As we told the regular cashiers at 4 PM as we were getting ready to head back to Riverview, things'll probably get easier for them now that we were not going to be around to "help" them. I did learn how to turn off the door's theft alarm, which is good because I was the one most unable to remember to run anything over the little de-activation mat there at the register.

On my break I went to pee. Not that you would find that a particularly unusual thing to do. Nor would you probably even need to know something like that. Usually. But I tell you that to tell you this.

In the men's room there are urinals. Sometimes there are not, but there will be a comfortable little bench. However, no urinal and a bench usually signifies you have entered the ladies room. If you see a couch, as a man your first action should be to take a step back and check out the front of the door again. Good advice. Take it.

So, as I was saying, we have urinals. Manly, ceramic urinals. In the bottom of it there will be a plastic screen like device because as men we a) can barely operate a flush valve and b) have an overpowering urge to throw things into the urinal. Things, usually, that have no business in there.

As I looked down to pee, a habit I developed soon after experiencing the discomfort of warm, wet shoes, I saw the screen in my urinal. It had the words "Say no to germs" on it. Strange palce, I thought, to put something you want to keep germ free. It was from a company called Swisher. They are, as ZZ Top would say, bad and nationwide, so any guy reading has probably seen their logo. Or, if not, likely has wet shoes. Anyway, as I was thinking as I was peeing, Swisher is such an unfortunate name for a company that places most of it's products in the men's room.

Note: I realize my illustration photo says "Say no to drugs" instead of germs. All I can say is that Googling is not an exact science.

That's my observation for the day. It is small, but it is uninteresting.

#1 stain remover, out
Ramblin' Ed


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