Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Curarre looks just like a heart attack

That was a line in a Graham Nash album I remember from a song called See You in Prague. Just as I was sitting down to write this, my Blackberry buzzed and an e-mail arrived on it. It was a training request from a company in Prague, Czech Republic. Ummmm... YEAH!, send me!!

Got home Sunday night. I watched Survivor and Amazing Race (Thank goodness for the DVR) before going to bed. One nice thing for me about traveling is that I sleep through the flights. That helped a lot when I was zipping back and forth across date lines. Not so helpful now. Now I just can't sleep when I get home.

I love this quote from Winston Churchill: "Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing... after they have exhausted all other possibilities." That is so true that I get all tingly.

Taking the wife to a plastic surgeon today. I can't really remember the set up, but the punchline to the old joke was something about getting boobs put on her back. Ha Ha Not. Anyway, it is nothing like that. It is actually plastic surgery on her belly button (her accent and it's avoidance of the "n" sound cause her to pronounce it "belly butt") for pain management on her appendectomy scar. And you thought... I mean there was... ridiculous really... boobs on her back.

I did buy a six of Blue Moon in Vegas as the Gun Trash recommended. It was rather expensive, but then so was everything, so I don't know why that surprised me. The only Blue Moon I saw was a pale ale, I think made from wheat. It was light, and tasted good. But then, most everything, except green leafy vegetables, tastes good to me. Gunner, my pledge to you: If you'd like to drink vicariously through me, I'm there for you. As long as you stick to manly whisky and beer. No fou-fou drinks.

Not much else to say. The job seems straightforward and easy enough. The travel, at least for the time being is welcomed. I could live with less expense paperwork, but if that's the price of free travel, then I'm all about expense paperwork. Will keep you posted if I'm off to Czech. That'll be cool beyond my normal cool. I've never been to Eorope. When in Rome do as Roman Gabriel would.

This popped into my head as I wrote Roman Gabriel's name. Here, a pig is said to go "oink oink". In Thai, it is said to go "oot oot". The progression? I think it was something like Roman Gabriel -> Philedelphia Eagles -> Football -> Pigskin -> oink/oot. Even I am not completely sure of the mental paths that get me places.

Oh very young, what will you bring us this time?, out
Ramblin' Ed


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Ed for the vicarious beer. Maybe next time we can sip a couple Guiness or even a Harp, if you can find it, vacariously, of course.

Sounds like a good job. You did well. Of course, you probably miss the gun and badge, eh?


2:56 PM  
Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

Yep, I miss the gun. Nothing says "per-fessional" like sagging britches.

7:43 PM  
Blogger Hill Billy Rave said...

Come on., Ed. Do a fou fou drink!

3:19 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

If you hit up the Czech you will have to bring me something that says things not in english...or at least take pictures. I like things not in english.

Couch surfing has T-shirts similar to your pig progression only they are what does your rooster say...not pig. But you should find out what Czech pigs say. That would be a worthy quest.

2:09 PM  

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