Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hi there , piss ant

Ola, peep

I waved at my neighbor yesterday and she waved back. Maybe a little smile, it was hard to tell as I made the slight turn to wave, whilst fighting the dog who was desperatly fighting me back to thoroughly sniff the area where some old carpet had been left on the neighbors lawn a couple of days awaiting the garbage pickup, and, of course her Saab (really... WHO drives a Saab??) never slowed down. But it does prove my theroy. Proves it quite nicely. I can, in fact, wave at you more times than you can ignore me back. Brings me to my pet peeve: If you can't wave to your neighbors, stay up north.

Interesting thing happened in the above paragraph. The R key and T key are next to each other. Take a second to check it out if you'd like. That's not the interesting thing, as I believe they've been like that all along. But if you are typing at a high rate of speed using only two fingers, you tend to hit wrong keys as you go. That is how I started out with "I waved at my neighbot yesterday..." A neighbot? Cool. The Gardenator. None of the petty mind games. Neighbot pissing you off? Pull her freaking plug.

There was one other thing I needed to tell you. And by "needed to tell you" I of course mean something I found mildly amusing that I thought I might share with you if a) I could remember it, and b) it didn't require too much typing (or typo-ing, as I do it) to convey.

They should name naval vessels after cats for they are true destroyers. If they can't kill it they break it. And they realize their faux paw (I know, but how could I resist?) and run before your prized possession ever hits the ground so that you either blame the dog or the other cat.

Like a karma Chameleon, out
Ramblin' Ed


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Speaking of the naming of naval vessels, what do you think of the next generation flat tops designated the "Ford" class. Some don't care for it as he was not an "elected" president...


10:46 AM  
Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

Elected...schmelected. Who wants a class of ships that are referred to as "Found On Road Dead"?

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, and all this time I thought it meant First On Race Day....

11:13 AM  
Blogger Red Queen said...

Wow, In one paragraph you have dissed both the daughter (she loves her Saab) and her mother (she lives up north)- with the daughter I might add. But you are right, you are a determained sort. I am waving back!

4:51 PM  
Blogger Gun Trash said...

"...fighting the dog..." Who won?

3:59 PM  
Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

Me, of course.

8:58 PM  

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