Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Some stuff I thought of

We had lectures all morning. They were written at the home office and then distributed to us and all of the other detachments. They are a schoolhouse in Virginia. We're shipboard trainers in Japan. To semi-successfully combat the mind numbing boredom I counted all of the items that were either not applicable or contridicted something already put out. It was, as they say, a target rich enviorment.

Here's some things I thought of during the attempted lecturecide:

1. Internet viruses should be subject to Islamic Law. Write and release one and you get stoned to death on a dusty street in front of a jeering mob. Knowingly pass one along and you get a hand chopped off at the wrist. Preferably the hand you use to strike the shift key so you would be forced afterward to reach completely across the keyboard everytime you wanted to capitalize.

2. Hoedown: When your sister falls

3. The NCIS agent* lecturing us kept stressing that we should try to be a hard target so I put my hands in my pocket.**

* They're not at all like the ones they've got on TV...but you knew that, didn't you.

** Think about'll come to you.

Cheese, out


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