Thursday, August 11, 2005

Was gonna

Lot's of things I was gonna do. For a change, I don't feel like I'm the only one got that feeling. I'm not even sure if my list of "was gonna's" is unique. I'm sure we all have different entries on our respective lists, but I'm inclined to believe that they share, depending on how you choose to look at it, a same level of strangeness or a strange level of sameness. I believe we all have our fair share of misfiring brainal* neurons, and it only by the grace of our properly firing brainal** neurons that we do not act upon some of the more, shall we say "adventurous" been gonnas. So here's a partial list of mine. Partial as in I can't always remember all the things I was gonna do until they reappear in one of those forehead slapping "Oh, yeah" moments. Yeah, we all got those too. So peruse, ponder, dismiss.

I was gonna:

Hang that TO PARTLY CLOUDY SIGN at the fair
Ride my K-Mart*** bicycle from Florida to Colorado
Learn to play the guitar so I could help TAD rather than burden him
Ride a train from Bangkok, down the Malay pennisula to Singapore
Buy a Jaguar. Car not cat.
Be a truck driver
Be a famous songwriter
Get a boat and sail the world
Learn to sail (and more importantly, to navigate)
Go into some remote Central or South American jungle and spend a week fishing for peacock bass
Put a sunroof in my truck
Run for Congress (Really. I was gonna run as a bona fide outsider, but fund raising kinda scared me)
Adopt a child
Spend a night with Angelina Jolie
Write a full length story
Live in India for a few months
Buy one set of those outrageously priced clothes you see in magazines like Details & Gear. You know, the $1,277 shirt from Waytoomush, $400 belt from huh?, and $3,599 Jacket from Jess Rippuoff. Then there's always the $28 Sneakers from Converse so it doesn't all seem so pretentious.
Go on the road with Skynyrd
Be a crawfish farmer
Retire to Louisiana and never be heard from again
Walk the Appalachian Trail

There are many, many more that include such diverse interests as tree trimming, upholstery and cutting bait. But my mind is beginnig to slow in it's forward progress and I am starting to spend more and more time staring at the place where I first spotted my indoor gekko and less and less typing in entries. I bid you adeiu.

Murf... do you got a site or something? Your link takes me nowhere, which makes it much the same as my personal initiative.

* Yeah, I made it up
** I said YEAH. Get off me.
*** I think it was really Zayre's, but nobody remembers them

Livin', dyin', lovin', lyin', out
Ramblin Ed


Blogger Red Queen said...

Great list: I remember the truck driver dream- that one was a good one for sure. Many of those are still do-able and hey if you get far with Angelina maybe you can adopt her adopted babies-wink. Just promise this ole friend that you will never, ever do this one: Retire to Louisiana and never be heard from again and as a good friend I highly recommend that you skip the excessive shopping trip too unless you decide to run for congress and then I can be your finance manager cause I have experience in fund raising and I have been watching how Miz Hilary duz it.

6:51 AM  
Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

Nasus, while I suppose all except the Skynyrd thing are still doable, I suspect they are also won't doable. Reasons vary but most start with L and rhyme with hazy.

Murf doggy dogg - will scope out your site. Must discern your gender if I am to be reasonably sure of keeping my hoof out of my mouf. (Tastes filling... Less great... Tastes filling!....)

7:05 AM  
Blogger Ramblin' Ed said...

Ahhhh, yes, although I always referred to you as Bitten Marianne. Thanks for clearing up one of my life's trifling mysteries.

8:00 AM  
Blogger Red Queen said...

Murf, I gotta tell ya that AI sounds pretty dreamy and I should know dreamy cause I know the Ramblin' Ed personally!

8:58 AM  

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