10 things: My 45th Birthday
10. Just supposing you live to be 90, and considering the bourbon & cigars that's a stretch, you are halfway done and now on the downhill slide, brother.
9. All things considered, if you exclude a couple of broken teeth, there's not a lot about life to regret or to change if you could.
8. Your 3 best friends from high school and your first best friend from the navy are still your 4 best friends with a bond as strong now as it was back then. Remarkable, considering teen year friendships are usually rather intense but short lived.
7. Music still makes your butt wiggle and begs you to sing along loud and tunelessly, but somehow isn't quite as IMPORTANT as it was in years past.
6. Comfortable (i.e., pants, cars, hotel rooms,shoes) is a lot more important than it used to be. Especially the pants.
5. The idea that I can regain my large(ish) biceps and flat stomach has been completely abandoned.
4.Geting bifocals was an easy decision once you realized that a) you couldn't go the rest of your life without reading and b) try as you might, you couldn't will your arms to grow longer.
3. Family and stability takes on a new importance in your life that used to belong to adventure and excitement. Living in one place for a while doesn't seem so much like a waste of a good life as it used to.
2. You know what show comes on what channel at what time. Even Friday and Saturday night.
1. Well, you're middle aged bubba, but you still got a damn fine head of hair.
Bleats, out
Travelin' Ed (San Diego Bureau)
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