Wednesday, January 26, 2005

24 kpbs. Boo-yah!

I enjoyed my first 3 days here. Connected to the world at 100 Mbps on the high speed modem. All day yesterday it was out. The front desk lept into complete inaction when I complained, but I figured, "How long can it be before someone who maintains the actual server notices it is down?". The answer, friends, is "Who the heck knows!" I do know, however, that it stayed down for the rest of my stay. So I complained mightily on the comment card, pointing fingers and naming names, and mailed it to Headquarters in Virginia Beach.

I am conncted via Bamnet (a GREAT company and an excellent convienence) which I keep on as an emergency backup. Usually I get a decent speed, but today I am at a crawl. 24 kpbs. So today's blog is short and is intended mainly to let you know I am alive and well and will post again tomorrow from the greater Tampa area.

For those of you so inclined, please say a little prayer for sk. She could use the support. I'm not providing any details as I feel like these things are a private matter. You get the prayer up there and God will know what it's for.

Beets, out.
Travelin' Ed


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