Monday, January 24, 2005

Stuff you oughta know

It was nice to watch football on a Sunday afternoon like God intended instead of 3 AM on a Monday morning. And, while AFN (armed forces network) does a fine job, there's something to be said for a night gorging on FOX,UPN &WB. From what the wife tells me, there is still no TV in Ikego. I need to find a way to tell her I'm not coming home til there is. HaHa. I'm just kidding. I don't really plan to tell her.

Here are the things I learned last night from the tube:

* Dad went out for cigarettes and never came back. He said "Smell ya later" (sob sob) b-but he never smelled me again. (wail)--Nelson on The Simpsons

* It's a bummer going to school. We have to make a pigeon out of felt. -- Lisa Simpson

* Awwww...screw you all. -- Doug Heffernan, King of Queens

* I'm not scared, I just worry about my parents going through my drawers after I die. -- Drew Carey

PBS, out.
Travelin' Ed


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