Sunday, January 30, 2005

The Tim saga: Dude on a plane.

A catholic, a hooker and a Jew walk into a lesbian bar. ...Oops! Wrong blog.

Met a guy on the plane from Denver to San Diego today. Boots, buckle, hunting cap-the real deal. A man from Missouri named Tim. He sat down in my row and we "howdy'd" each other and got ready to fly. You know, buckle in, scope out if there's any babelicious stewies (Nope...well, maybe they were 25 years ago, but now...a definate nope) and figure on napping.

Don't know how it happened, but we got to talking. One thing quickly led to another and we found a common ground. Seems when he was in his twenties he had lived in Thailand and traveled extensively in country. He even spoke Thai, although it was beginning to atrophy. Wow.

I am sure he had many interesting stories, and if every time he tried to tell me one I hadn't launched immediately into a very long, yet pointless recollection of my own, he probably would have shared them with me.

Tim, if you read this, sorry dude. I think I was just so excited meeting a fellow traveler. If you're going to be in Florida you know how to reach me . A cold drink, a fat cigar and I will yeild the floor to you.

Travelin' Ed


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