I was reading one of AI's posts and he had some really good points. I was making a comment and it just kept getting longer and longer and for each point I made, 2 more popped into my head. So I brought the comment over here and turned it into this morning's post. It's kind of out of character for me, so you've been tode.
This next is not meant to be disrespectful nor unpatriotic. It's just something I think about. A LOT:
I don't think that it was wrong that we went into Iraq. Not really. And I fear the result if we pulled out now. So I am solidly behing the President on this.
But I do not feel the guys are fighting for my freedom. I am no more free with Sadaam and the Taliban and whatever nefarious dudes we've killed gone than I was when they were still running around. The Iraqis and Afghans are more free. Women in those countries are more free. The region as a whole is getting a bit of a shake up, hopefully for the better.
No, I think I am more comfortable believing that our boys are out fighting for their freedom and for my security. And we need security. The attacks are viscious and I am glad we took the fight to them.
Also, I don't believe a lot of Americans even understand what the true concept of freedom is. They think it means that they can dress how they want, be rude if they want, blah, blah, blah. A lot seem to start each example of freedom with a personal pronoun. And to me, that is but a small part of it. There seems, to me at least, to be little understanding by a lot of folks that freedoms do not come without critical thought and responsibilities.
The larger, probably more important freedoms are being eroded or taken away out right. That scares me. And what scares me more is that the general population thanks the government for it. Says "Thanks for keeping me free". I think they mean, "Thanks for keeping me safe."
You cannot travel freely now without being tracked. TSA continues to compile profiles that they've promised not to compile and have been forbidden to compile. There is commentary about it, but no outrage.
The law enforcement agencies continue to seek ways to monitor all of our electronic communications so they can look for "threat words". Of course they, too, promise it isn't something they'd abuse. Yet the sentence "The movie was about THE PRESIDENT and it BOMBED" in an e-mail to your sister would bring you under federal scrutiny. And it might even get ugly for you if you happened be of middle eastern descent.
We have vigilantes at our borders. Think about it. Armed farmers and residents at the border. Whether you call it this or not, that seems to be a localized foreign policy. When has that ever been condoned before? But now it's for keeping out terrorists, so it's A-OK. ('Cause you know farmer Joe knows a terrorist when he sees one.)
National ID cards. 'Nuff said.
The line of BS that a butane lighter might bring down an airliner, I mean
really. They blow off a whole lot more bombs with cell phones than with fuses, but guess which one is forbidden on a plane? Somehow, TSA came to believe that inconvienence was the same thing as security and moved forward with great dispatch.
I am not anti-government. I don't want to move to a ranch in Montana and plot against it. I laugh at conspiracy theories and believe that, by and large, the government attempts to do right by us. I have no problem paying my taxes, voting, supporting the decisions of my elected officials.
But I do fear that following blindly and without discussion or debate because they included the words HOMELAND SECURITY in the wording. I think we should be skeptical of the government and make them spell out each decision that has been made and why, and then we should examine the merits of what they have said. In fact, I believe that is our responsibility.
I think we should abolish political parties and vote for Congressmen, Senators and Presidents. I don't want a Republican in the White House. And I don't want a Democrat in the White House. I want an educated, principled individual in the White House. I want a President. And I want him surrounded by people who follow and debate issues...not polls.
Some of us freaked out when the Supreme Court said we could post the 10 Commandments in some places. The rest of us freaked when we found we could not post them in some places. Seems it always has to be all or nothing. Why?
The Supreme Court also said Brandon, Florida can take my house and land away from me to give to somebody else. But only if they'll build something nicer and pay more taxes. That completely freaks me out. And that only four justices thought it was a terrible idea has freaked me out even more! I had complete trust in those nine and now I don't know what to think about them. Flip-flopping on the 10 Commandments and redistributing wealth....I'm sorry but that sounds pretty political to me.
Last thing, and I apologize mightily for ranting like this. The worst thing we have done in this country is split into blue and red, cease dialog on important issues, and give away the farm in the name of "security".
Travelin' Ed